Hello All! You can call me - Yu-Walbridge? Walbridge-Yu? maybe just Walbridge... all in debate at this point. However, one thing is for sure I'm married!

How did the time pass so quickly?! I had about 15 months to plan and in a blink of eye... it all came and went.
Now Chris and I are in Kauai... staying at the Sheraton Kauai Resort... currently watching I believe Sports Center. meow meow. :)
Actually not so bad since I have vowed to if not a physical diary... the use of technology to catalog this eventful time in our lives (virtual diary) for this reason I don't care what he is watching. I should have started 15 months ago... but never was there the time. Hopefully over the next 9 days... I can capture some fun moments... and keep those loved ones aware of what is happening while I try not to stay "unplugged", yea right.
Before I run into my insights on the wedding I have deemed "le fete de mariage" - I will try to summarize what are latest adventure.
#1) First Class all the way!
Chris and I took off in quite a flurry from Seattle to Kauai on Alaska Airlines
Did we wait until the last minute to pack? yes
Did we leave ourselves with no time for error? yes
Was the cab driver being a total meow meow telling us Sundays are busy at the airport - translation you guys suck and will never make your flight - yes! (jerk)
However, did we make it on our flight with time to spare - yes!
And I have to say when flying 5+ hours to any destination First Class - Rocks!!! Chris and I enjoyed free dvd's (which well there were no good movies, but heck we had the option). A nice dinner of Fish or Curry Chicken - with a great side salad and a honey roll (oh yea that was good). My new husband was nice enough also to provide me with a Honeymoon Survival Kit as my wedding gift. With that I scored a new Coach purse, DG sunglasses, and a Ninentendo DS! (word up!) - i love this man! DS and I burned a great deal of time getting to know each other on this flight.
I must admit mid-way through the flight the post wedding hangover came on. A cough and cold that have been on the edge since about a week ago. After the adrealine wears off ... the cold settled in. I was able to bounce back as we headed to the hotel, but man you don't know how much you need that honeymoon until the day after.
#2) Sheraton ... getting used to our surroundings
Today we were able to wake up 11am Seattle - thank god! We really needed it. The nice thing is in Kauai that's 8am, so we were able to get up and beat the morning breakfast rush.
At the hotel we enjoyed the Buffet ... well okay we wanted the regular menu but since they convienently make everything just as expensive - fine! $40 dollar buffet it is. For this reason I ended up with : bacon, eggs - with a bunch of stuff all over it (chives, onions, tomatoes, salsa, ham, mushrooms, peppers, ? lost track), potatoes, miso soup, fried rice, pickled something or another, and toast...
After this we decided we will not be played by the "game". $40 dollar breakfasts! Sheraton you made one vital mistake you put a free fridge in my room! wah wah. Thefore Chris and I went to BIG SAVE for some essentials - cereal, triscuits, cheese, milk, yogurt, fruit, water etc.
When we got back to the hotel... we sat down on our deck and enjoyed Subway and Sushi ... it was perfect! And then we walked along the beach and enjoyed some sun and relaxation.

Wow... what a beautiful sight... great food and great scenary.
We had the best food... Prime Rib with a lasagna style baked potato (uh ridic) and their Fish of the Day - Ohno and vegetables in a curry sauce with a side of rice. We
each also had some local drinks - a Lechi Cosmo and Hawaiian beer.

We didn't think we could have room, but we thought if the food is this good... we might as well try the dessert.
So we endulged on Chocalate Cake with a rasberry drizzle and a side of mint Chocolate Ice Cream! YUMMY!
#4) Did someone say Karaoke Night?!
Oh yea... where Lisa goes... Lisa finds Karaoke! It was quite possibly the worst group of karaokiers I have heard in my life. And for some reason there were 10 people participating and all 8 somehow got in front of Chris and I. They were bad but they weren't shy from the mic.
I had the opportunity to belt my favorites: a little Don't Stop Believin, a new one for me and Chris - Total Eclipse of the Heart and my finale number - Greatest Love of All....
I scored a free shot and a free red bull and vodka from the bartender... jackpot! and he thought I was 20 - rock and roll! what a great night!
Sounds like you guys are having a blast! And eating your way through the island--so jealous! But seriously, you have time to blog while on honeymoon? What's "wrong" with this picture? ha ha. (R and I got massive grief for emailing during our honeymoon. Guess it's in the Yu genes.)
YAY! Welcome to your new addiction! Oh yeah, tell Chris he'll be lucky to see you without a computer in front of you from now on. It only took me 6 months to go from zero blogs to TWO! :)
PS: Can I come to HI and hang out with you? Um, but only if you fly me first class!
PPS: Chris + Survival Kit = best husband ever!!
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