I have to say our last moments with the Sheraton staff was a four star treatment!
Every one was very helpful and when asked for late check out even offered us "another" room until 6pm.
This ended up being vital since we were able to shower and have a safe place for our stuff until heading to the airport. Chris was also a little "done" with the sun after day #8, possibly due to the fact I thought he was ready for the spray block SPF 15 (this was not the case ie. he has a weird spray blotch on his arm, ooopps).

We met some very nice folks throughout, one of my fav's - Noel from The Point Bar. Noel was super cool and we even did a duet Monday night - Pictures - with Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow. He offered Chris and I multiple free drinks at the bar and even got me bumped up to first in line on the karaoke list - yahoo

Actually I got a couple of pictures of my competition both Monday nights we were there. I don't know how they did it, but they really hogged the microphone and yet they were the only other people in the bar? You would think the odds... I would get up at least once every 5 times?

But that's where my friend Noel came in! he was like dude... (to the karaoke guy) no more lame a** music.
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